San Antonio Spousal Abuse Lawyer
Accused of Spousal Abuse in San Antonio?
If you have been accused of spousal abuse, you need to mount a strong defense against those charges. Conviction can result in fines, jail time and denial of certain rights you may be used to such as the right to possess a firearm. It also results in a criminal record which can affect your professional life. The attorney you choose can greatly impact the outcome of your case. You need an attorney experienced in defending domestic violence cases with a proven record of success. You are urged to contact domestic violence attorney in San Antonio John J. Fox.
Spousal Abuse Defense Attorney in San Antonio
At The Law Firm of John J. Fox we provide aggressive defense of clients charged with spousal abuse. We have served the San Antonio area since 1999. We understand our clients need to be treated with respect and dignity and we do all we can to help the client feel comfortable under these trying circumstances. As this is the first contact many of our clients have had with the law, we take the time to explain how the court process works. We find out from the client everything that happened and answer all questions the client has regarding the current charges and any future criminal record concerns..
Sadly many spousal abuse charges are based on exaggerated or untruthful claims. Sometimes our client responded under severe provocation or in self defense. We have private investigators, psychologists, mitigation specialists, therapists, medical doctors, nurses and former police investigators that we may call to help establish the truth and support our case.
Handling a Protective Order
You may now be under a protective order. This bars you from your home and prohibits communication with the family. Your first reaction may be to contact your spouse to try to work out matters. Even if the spouse agrees to have you come back, you violate the order merely by returning to your own home and are subject to arrest and further trouble. Your best action is to have your attorney move to have the protective order set aside with a proper showing that it is unneeded.
Contact spousal abuse defense lawyer John J. Fox to discuss spousal abuse charges.